It is a multi-denominational translation, with editions used by many Christian denominations. It was formerly known asToday's English Version(TEV), but in 2001 was renamed theGood News Translationin the U.S., because the American Bible Society wished to improve the GNB's image as atranslationwhere it had a public perception as aparaphrase.Despite the official terminology, it is still often referred to as theGood News Biblein the United States. It wasanglicisedinto British English by theBritish and Foreign Bible Societywith the use of metric measurements for theCommonwealthmarket. It was first published as the New Testament under the nameGood News for Modern Manin 1966.

TheGood News Biblea religious book recomended by the ministry of education kenya for both primary and secondary schoolsalso called theGood News Translation(GNT) in the United States, is anEnglish translationof theBibleby theAmerican Bible Society. GOOD NEWS BIBLE COMES RECOMENDED BY THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION KENYA FORBOTH PRIMARY AND HIGH SCHOOLS. Ideal for the individual reader and used in thousands of schools and churches. Rector of Radwinter Editor of “Daily Lections.”Įditor of the Music of “The Children’s Service Book.For over twenty-five years the Good News Bible has been the most popular, truly easy-to-read Bible, offering a trustworthy translation based on the best original Greek and Hebrew sources. Make sure the word “proofreader” is in your email subject line. My understanding is they’re searching for proofreaders. Jean de Brébeuf Hymnal should email the committee. They also have many “Englished” settings Propers: Here’s an interesting harmonization found in the 1907 hymnal: Bach-and I really wish I’d saved them because they were beautiful. When I was in college, we analyzed 4-5 different versions of Hassler’s “O Sacred Head Surrounded” harmonized by J.S. To demonstrate how marvelous this book is, I’ve compiled the complete indices: (Readers will mainly be interested in sections 3 and 4.) Many pieces in this Anglican collection are actually translations of Roman Catholic hymns, such as Ave Maris Stella, Audi Benigne Conditor, Ad Regias Agni Dapes, etc. You’ve probably never seen these 1,151 pages: We’ve also encountered some fantastic non-Catholic hymnals. We have assembled something like 200,000 pages of old hymnals, and naturally we focus mainly on the Catholic hymnals. (Testimonials from authorities on Sacred Music.)ĬURRENTLY SERVE on an international committee working on a collection called the St.

(Testimonials from Catholics in the pews.)