If you represent an organization, such as a business or school, that utilizes Enterprise and Developer Products from Microsoft, please see the Enterprise and developer products section of this privacy statement to learn how we process your data. We also obtain data about you from third parties. The data we collect depends on the context of your interactions with Microsoft and the choices you make, including your privacy settings and the products and features you use. You provide some of this data directly, and we get some of it by collecting data about your interactions, use, and experiences with our products. PicBackMan can save you from the absolute disaster of losing your photos by safely backing them up in one or more online accounts.Microsoft collects data from you, through our interactions with you and through our products. Luckily, with PicBackMan backing up your photos to multiple services and cloud accounts is easier than ever before. In the case of losing irreplaceable memories like treasured family photos, it can even be heartbreaking. Quick Tip to Prevent Photo loss Nightmare with PicBackMan You can install PicBackMan's SkyDrive uploader for Mac from the website and start backing up photos and videos. It will begin downloading and syncing your OneDrive photos and videos to your computer.Once its done, you will see the "OneDrive" icon in the system tray.Check (allow) or uncheck (prevent) to Fetch files on this PC from on any computer.Select what files and folders on your OneDrive that you want to sync with this PC.If "OneDrive" folder location already exists, you can click "Use this location" button.If the default C:Users(user-name)OneDrive location displayed is where you want the folder, then click on "Next" button.If you would like to add this PC as a trusted PC, then check the "I sign in frequently on this device.Verify your Microsoft account on your PC.Enter your Microsoft account credentials and click "Sign In" button.Download and run the OneDriveSetup.exe file from your desktop.After downloading and installing OneDrive on your Window 7, it will create a dedicated folder (OneDrive folder) on your computer for storing your photos, videos and files.įollowing are the steps to Download OneDrive for Windows 7: To verify that add your phone number, enter the last digits including 51 and then click "Next" button to receive your code. You need to use a security code to verify your account. If you don't have a Microsoft accoount, then you need to create it. You need a Microsoft account to use OneDrive. OneDrive is a cloud storage service which allows you to backup photos, videos and important documents to access them from anywhere.